Cinco De Mayhem recap

Wowowowow thank you to EVERYONE who came and partied with us this past Saturday for our second annual Cinco de Mayhem party! Together we smashed over 25 piñatas carefully crafted by Twin Cities artists and raised over $800 for a variety of charities including Second Harvest Heartland, Doctors Without Borders, and The Ann Bancroft Foundation.
A huge amount of gratitude is owed to all who helped make this great event the incredible spectacle it was:
Matt Visionquest and Hal Lovemelt from Playatta. Their creative vision and technical skills are unrivaled. All of the video projections were the work of their wild wizardry.
Max McDougall for setting up and running the crazy light show that accompanied Playatta's videos.
Hamil, John, and the rest of the video crew capturing all of the magic and mayhem. Can't wait to see the full video recap!
Larry Winship, Tom Loftus, Vanessa Plunkett, and Johnny Quinine for assisting with hanging piñatas, blindfolding and spinning contestants, keeping the crowd safe, and general gallery assistance.
Katie Sisneros for running things on the microphone, hyping up the crowd, and being the best damn host we could have hoped for.
All of the incredibly talented artists who put in some serious work to make some gorgeous and creative piñatas which all ended up being completely destroyed: Abbi Allan, Christopher Alday, Liz Apple, Chris Cloud, Dennis Conrad, Emily Eaton, Ephraim Eusebio, Janet Groenert, Hannah Haugberg, Briana Hokanson, Dane Johnson, Sharyn Morrow, Ben Nylen, Patrick Peterson, Johnny Quinine, Garon Rowland, Robin Schwartzman, and Brenda Taylor.
and now... some more photos. Be sure to check out the #cincodemayhem hashtag on Instagram for more pics and videos from the night. Until next year...