Just Like Being There

We were pleased to discover the film Just Like Being There's arrival on Netflix! About two years ago, we began hearing about the production of a documentary film about the world of screenprinted concert posters. Directed by San Francisco's Scout Shannon, the film covers various aspects and branches of gig posters including relationships between poster artists and bands, design and printing process, Flatstock and the poster community, the movie poster renaissance, and of course ... FLIPPERS.
Scout did a good job of capturing the essence of what we, as postermakers, do and why we love it so much. There are some great interviews with luminaries such as Daniel Danger, Jay Ryan, Michael Michael Motorcycle, Mike King, Tyler Stout, and our very own Wes Winship. Scout's crew filmed about 2-3 hours of interview and general BRLSQ shop footage in 2011, but most of it is now on the ol' cutting room floor. Still, we're stoked to be represented in the best gig poster documentary to date.
If you've watched the movie, let us know what you think about it!